Tag: water

water, water everywhere

I change the water in Henry’s waterbowl everytime I feed him (i.e. three times a day), I change the bowl once a day.  Yet I’ve never seen Henry drink out of it.

He gets enough to drink, though. He drinks rainwater, he finds outside.  He drinks water standing in the sink if I don’t get to him first.  He drinks from puddles after I had a shower.  And just now I caught him drinking from my husband’s toothbrush mug which he (my husband, that is) inexplicably always leaves filled with water after brushing.



spa treatment

I was extremely tempted to open the tap.


Ariana: I do when Messi does that. Sometimes it takes him a while to realise water’s running down his fur…

Eklastic: You are a bad person. 😁 I actually did later when he came by watching me as I was about to rinse something off. He got such a fright that he jumped backwards, missing the toilet bowl only by luck.

Ariana: Messi’s not scared of water. He almost dies if he sees/hears the hoover or dogs.

Alice: Henry is the best Cat ever!!!

Annika: One of my cats is addicted to drinking from taps. Once, I had the bathtub filled with water due to a water cut for some works and as soon as I go to the toilet, when I got home in the evening, I see my cat flying to the bathtub (as usual) before I could say or do anything… needless to say he flew in and out in a microsecond and I spent the evening cleaning.

Abby: Our cat, Spot, loved it if we’d turn the faucet on just a trickle. She loved to drink from it!

Alec, incidentally the first man to answer: If you open the tap, you will end up with a wet pussy.


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